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It's a Hard Duck life

Hello there! Are you new to my site? That's okay. So am I! I just recently uploaded this site to the world wide web to promote my artwork. I graduate from the Tom Savini Special Effects Program NEXT WEEK! I'm so excited! I will be posting on a regular basis to keep my followers, fans, and friends up to date! I'm also hoping to have products up within the next two weeks. It's been so crazy between school and work that I just haven't had the chance. A big thanks need to go out to my family, friends, and my instructors for being so supportive and getting me this far. Sure, like everybody, I've had some bumps along the way, some people trying to knock me down, but I'm not one to go down easily! I've struggled and strived and hoped for the best. My fiance and mom have been the driving forces that kept me going through all of it. With my degree just around he corner, I feel like I can do anything! The real world awaits!

If you're interested, I'm also a writer. My first novel, Cool Flame, pen name C.F. Koss, will be self published as an ebook in the coming month. Thanks to Arleia Zarobsky for taking time out of her busy schedule to edit for me! Hopefully, she finishes soon. I'm cheering her on! Updates to come soon.

Thanks for choosing my website! I hope to hear from you about art projects that I can bring to life! In the meantime, I'm looking for work in the Pittsburgh area in the effects field so if you know of any, hit me up! I'd love to check it out!

Run Amok Duck FX, over and out. :D

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